Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Length:  102 Minutes

I've seen this one. Another embarrassing obsession I once had...

Is it loyal to the book? I'm fairly certain that the book that does exist is based off the movie... but it seems to be very hard to obtain. Buy it here and let me borrow if you will, I hear it is quite good. BIG NEWS!!! Henson studios just reprinted the book and with the huge reduction in price I will be buying it!!!

Best character: Either Sarah, my favorite lonely LARPer or Jareth the hilariously 80s Goblin-King.

But is it art? One doesn't become a cult classic without some degree of artiness... Superb puppetry, wonderful music, fair acting, There are whole legions of self-respecting nerds that will gladly duet with you if you simply say, "You remind me of the babe." (Try it once and you will be hooked.)

Major Flaws: David Bowie's pants seem to have gotten tighter now that I'm older and more aware... there is also the bog of eternal stench, and a creepy flirtation thing going on.

On a sidenote... I was a little shocked the first time I saw non-goblined David Bowie. For some reason I just assumed that he always looked like that.

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