Best character: I love all three primary characters. They play their parts pitch perfectly.
But is it art? So very, very predictable... except admittedly that bit at the beginning. But this is the only true romance (series) I love so it must have hit the right note in there somewhere.
Best character: Lizzie McGuire. Though I dig her friend Gordo... (that is his name, right?)
But is it art? Before there was the Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus... there was LIZZIE MCGUIRE. My generation didn't need double-identity-pop-singing-deal-with-the-fame hijinks to make our show totally worth it... except that that is pretty much what this is. But it was first!
Your life is now fuller. And you're welcome.
Major Flaws: Yes. Just yes. But I will keep it over many much better quality films because it's just so much fun.
Is it loyal to the book? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Sometimes?
Best character: Pa Ingalls. Because he is well-rounded, well-written, morally upright, and... ah, hell. He's played by Michael Landon. Who physically is my ideal man. The characters he play are also ideal.
I'm posting a picture of Little Joe from Bonanza... because after that confession of my undying crush for M-Lan I thought a picture of the middle-aged man that starred in Little House might raise a few eyebrows. So here is, pictured a decade or so closer to my current age.
But is it art? In the way that all family-friendly, pioneer soap-operas are art. Yes.
Major Flaws: Well... occasionally it can be filled with smarmy feel-good fluffiness. But at the time you like it.
Is it loyal to the book? NOOOOOOOO. After The Lion King Disney actually wrote a follow-up series. Which they proceeded to ignore for this movie.
Best character: I actually really dig newcomers Kiara and Kovu.
But is it art? Not bad for a sequel. Gives us marvelous songs (one of those came for the story but stayed for the soundtrack sort of films); in fact it includes the incredible 'He Lives in You' aka The Clean-Up Song, aka My Ringtone, aka The Best Song in the Broadway Musical...
Major Flaws: Good Lord Simba, man up. You are not the king I know you would admire.
Is it loyal to the book? Not based on a book per se... Influenced quite a bit by Kimba (regardless of what Disney says), Disney's own movie Bambi, and Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Best character: HFIHRBNG
But is it art? YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES. So it turns out that this is my favorite movie. You may borrow it but if it is damaged you will be buying me a brand-new copy. Capishe? I was too young for this movie's original theatrical run, but I was first in line for the 3D re-release.
Major Flaws: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Is it loyal to the book? I don't know if there is a book.
Best character: The librarian himself. He seems like the sort of nerd that I would get along with just fine.
But is it art? Well.... I think that the concept is better than the execution. It looks like it was made for TV, but with a positive viewing attitude one can handle it.
Major Flaws: It can be... corny. Really, really corny.
What do you mean that song is from a different movie? I thought it was from ALL movies?
Length: 95 Minutes
I've seen this one.
Is it loyal to the book? No book.
Best character: Shifu, Shifu, Shifu, Shifu
But is it art? I was not expecting big things from this movie. I ignored it. Then I rolled my eyes at the previews. I scoffed at the DVDs in the stores. Then I watched it. Holy. Dreamworks, I apologize, but if you hadn't advertised the darned thing as being Panda Shrek back in the day I might have bee more eager. After all pandas are my favorite.
Major Flaws: Besides the aforementioned advertising fail? There are a few instances of crude humor that I could have easily lived without.
Is it loyal to the book? I have not read the books. It is worth noting that even though it appears to be loyal to the books... well the books probably definitely aren't loyal to history.
Best character: Hmmm... I love the King, flawed as he is. He has a very different sort of redemption story than one often finds in a movie, etc., etc., etc.
But is it art? It's a musical! I love big Broadway style musicals and this one comes from the masters Rodgers and Hammerstein! I'm sure you've heard some of them in your life, if you haven't it is never too late! However, only one song truely stands out in a can't-get-it-out-of-my-head sort of way:
Major Flaws: Let me tell you a story history. It is about a wonderful white woman who bravely moved to another country (one where people are not white). She saw that they had horrible not-white ways and set forth to change that... That may be an over simplification, but the sentiment is certainly there, and it was the '50s so they didn't really bother trying to hide it, unlike the remakes that have occurred. But, in a way, it's the honesty that makes it watchable. It is a gorgeous film and, while watching, it can be hard to not get swept up in the story.
Is it loyal to the book? Haven't read the book. Christmas present anyone? lol
Best character: Awasis, I loved him in the first film and I still love him. If he isn't a well-rounded character than I don't know who is.
But is it art? So not only does this one have the made-for-TV vibe but it also has the sequel vibe, and as both o those things go, it isn't bad. I prefer the first, but this is still a good option for movie night at my place.
Major Flaws: Seriously, do archeologists often become obsessed to the point of craziness? It seems to be a theme.
Is it loyal to the book? No book, this is a sequel series to Avatar: The Last Airbender
Best character: Tenzin and Jinora are both awesome, wonderfully subdued characters in a show full of energetic fighters.
But is it art? Just like its predecessor this show has very high production standards and gorgeous artwork. I prefer the original series, but this one is much better than I thought is would be.
Major Flaws: Must there be a new objective every season? The original show was so much more focused, but I don't suppose that the exact same formula would be exciting either... I don't know what I want.
Is it loyal to the book? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No. It is supposedly an adaptation of the first three books in the series, but you get an entirely different story if you want.
Best character: Ezylryb, Soren, Twilight, Gylfie, Digger, I can't decide, just like in the books!
But is it art? It is gorgeous, if they'd have stayed true to the movies I might have gotten more, but noooooo. If you missed this in theatres in 3D I feel bad for you. Even my mother, who normally is meh about effects, was oohing and awing over how gorgeous this film was in 3D. The owls are so lovely and someone obviously did their research, just look at the way they move!!! And the music - chills. There is also a lot of social commentary going on (though it was pretty heavy-handed compared to the books).
Major Flaws: Like I said, I could have gotten more movies if they had stayed true to the books, I'm sure of it.
Is it loyal to the book? This book is on my TBR pile.
Best character: Molly Grue and that cat that I'm not sure had a name, but he is the most realistic cat portrayal in film, I'm certain.
But is it art? YES! Just look at that animation, inspired by medieval art and tapestries it looks exactly the way something set in that era should look. Also this may be animated but it is waaaaaaay darker than your average kids film. Hint: it isn't meant to be for kids. A word of caution, NOT for the immature audience there is a) a naked lady (but with the bits covered), b) an anthropomorphic tree with uncomfortably large breasts, and c) a harpy - a female harpy with three breasts. I mean I totally watched this as a little kid, probably through 5th or 6th grade even, and never noticed part c (granted the harpy terrified me and I usually made excuses to not be watching that part). Then in college I watched it again and, well, noticed. Three of them, just being anatomically all there and not afraid of the world.
Major Flaws: The song Now That I'm a Woman. It. Is. Grating.
I've seen this one. Another embarrassing obsession I once had...
Is it loyal to the book? I'm fairly certain that the book that does exist is based off the movie... but it seems to be very hard to obtain. Buy it here and let me borrow if you will, I hear it is quite good. BIG NEWS!!! Henson studios just reprinted the book and with the huge reduction in price I will be buying it!!!
Best character: Either Sarah, my favorite lonely LARPer or Jareth the hilariously 80s Goblin-King.
But is it art? One doesn't become a cult classic without some degree of artiness... Superb puppetry, wonderful music, fair acting, There are whole legions of self-respecting nerds that will gladly duet with you if you simply say, "You remind me of the babe." (Try it once and you will be hooked.)
Major Flaws: David Bowie's pants seem to have gotten tighter now that I'm older and more aware... there is also the bog of eternal stench, and a creepy flirtation thing going on.
On a sidenote... I was a little shocked the first time I saw non-goblined David Bowie. For some reason I just assumed that he always looked like that.
Best character: It has been a while since I've seen this one, but I do like several characters including the newly introduced villain. Shifu was my favorite in the first film and he still rocks, but Mr. Ping and Po are great as well.
But is it art? The fight sequences are stellar and the father-son moments are among the best that film has to offer. The backgrounds call Chinese art to mind quite well and if you know anything about Eastern architecture you won't be disappointed.
Major Flaws: Not enough Shifu. He's seriously one of my favorite animated characters ever, and the only one I ever wanted to just pick up and give a big hug.
Is it loyal to the book? I don't think there are books.
Best character: Kimba.
But is it art? Consider this the unofficial inspiration for The Lion King. Disney will deny it until the company goes belly-up... but everyone knows it is true. Just look at these pictures and tell me any different.
There is a scene with a river that you can almost match up perfectly... but for some reason no one posts that.
Major Flaws: Certainly is early Japanese animation. Not really quite its own thing yet.
Is it loyal to the book? No. Disney famously had people that hadn't read the book write the script after he didn't like the first one.
Best character: Bagheera is my favorite in both the book and the movie. In fact pretty much every incarnation of Bagheera rocks.
But is it art? It hardly gets any more classic than this. The backgrounds are gorgeous, the characters are memorable, and if you hear the songs and forget them forever you are an atonal robot.
Major Flaws: Not enough Shere Khan? Although maybe he is made more menacing by being the non-present.
Is it loyal to the book? So not true to the book. Has some elements from it but that is about it.
Best character: No preferences.
But is it art? Not too shabby, the story holds up fairly well on its own.
Major Flaws: This was the very beginning of the 3D craze. THEY MILKED IT. There are so many gimmicky distracting shots. Also, there is a dinosaur in this film that is almost forgettable, dinosaurs shouldn't be forgettable.
Best character: I came for the wolf and I stayed for Natty Gann. She is a very strong personality and it is hard not to root for her.
But is it art? This is a film that Disney hasn't advertised very well. There were some ads when I was really little and then nothing since. I'm not sure why because it is a great coming of age story and an on the road story.
Major Flaws: The romance feels a little awkward considering the ages of everyone involved.
Is it loyal to the book? Fairly loyal to the source material in the book of Genesis.
Best character: Joseph - I do love it when the title character turns out to be awesome.
But is it art? The animation is gorgeous in this film. The story is a great one and well executed - the songs are sometimes unnecessary though.
Major Flaws: Tried to be the Prince of Egypt but missed. Too bad, because I feel if it had done a little better maybe Dreamworks would put out more hand-drawn animation they had an amazing style.
Best character: I like Diego, because he is a saber-toothed cat and I dig those.
But is it art? None of the Ice Age films are going to be candidates for films to send out on deep space probes. But as sequels go (even compared to preceding sequels) it isn't bad.
Major Flaws: You spend a good chunk of the film wondering how many of these they're going to make.
Is it loyal to the book? Yes, the book was practically made to be filmed.
Best character: The loveable Hugo.
But is it art? This film looks stunning. Even though it is technically a children's film it was nominated for Best Picture... that doesn't happen to just any film. If you've read the book you'll understand why this is the perfect story for film.
Major Flaws: I'm not sure why they chose a comic to play the inspector but whatever, he pulled it off. I wish that his backstory had been fleshed out a teensy bit more.
Is it loyal to the book? They've embellished a bit to make enough for a feature film.
Best character: I think the mayor is hilarious. But Morton the mouse is awesome as well. Ohmigosh I forgot about that vulture!!! Igor? Ivan? Somin' like that.
But is it art? Certainly went to prove that animated Dr. Seuss will always be better than live action *shudder*. Still has some really goofy moments that comes from having full-length movie based of a picture book.
Major Flaws: Nothing terribly major stands out as awful. I do think that the city council was a little unkind.