Is it loyal to the book? I don't think there are books.
Best character: Kimba.
But is it art? Consider this the unofficial inspiration for The Lion King. Disney will deny it until the company goes belly-up... but everyone knows it is true. Just look at these pictures and tell me any different.
There is a scene with a river that you can almost match up perfectly... but for some reason no one posts that.
Major Flaws: Certainly is early Japanese animation. Not really quite its own thing yet.
Is it loyal to the book? No. Disney famously had people that hadn't read the book write the script after he didn't like the first one.
Best character: Bagheera is my favorite in both the book and the movie. In fact pretty much every incarnation of Bagheera rocks.
But is it art? It hardly gets any more classic than this. The backgrounds are gorgeous, the characters are memorable, and if you hear the songs and forget them forever you are an atonal robot.
Major Flaws: Not enough Shere Khan? Although maybe he is made more menacing by being the non-present.
Is it loyal to the book? So not true to the book. Has some elements from it but that is about it.
Best character: No preferences.
But is it art? Not too shabby, the story holds up fairly well on its own.
Major Flaws: This was the very beginning of the 3D craze. THEY MILKED IT. There are so many gimmicky distracting shots. Also, there is a dinosaur in this film that is almost forgettable, dinosaurs shouldn't be forgettable.
Best character: I came for the wolf and I stayed for Natty Gann. She is a very strong personality and it is hard not to root for her.
But is it art? This is a film that Disney hasn't advertised very well. There were some ads when I was really little and then nothing since. I'm not sure why because it is a great coming of age story and an on the road story.
Major Flaws: The romance feels a little awkward considering the ages of everyone involved.
Is it loyal to the book? Fairly loyal to the source material in the book of Genesis.
Best character: Joseph - I do love it when the title character turns out to be awesome.
But is it art? The animation is gorgeous in this film. The story is a great one and well executed - the songs are sometimes unnecessary though.
Major Flaws: Tried to be the Prince of Egypt but missed. Too bad, because I feel if it had done a little better maybe Dreamworks would put out more hand-drawn animation they had an amazing style.
Best character: I like Diego, because he is a saber-toothed cat and I dig those.
But is it art? None of the Ice Age films are going to be candidates for films to send out on deep space probes. But as sequels go (even compared to preceding sequels) it isn't bad.
Major Flaws: You spend a good chunk of the film wondering how many of these they're going to make.
Is it loyal to the book? Yes, the book was practically made to be filmed.
Best character: The loveable Hugo.
But is it art? This film looks stunning. Even though it is technically a children's film it was nominated for Best Picture... that doesn't happen to just any film. If you've read the book you'll understand why this is the perfect story for film.
Major Flaws: I'm not sure why they chose a comic to play the inspector but whatever, he pulled it off. I wish that his backstory had been fleshed out a teensy bit more.
Is it loyal to the book? They've embellished a bit to make enough for a feature film.
Best character: I think the mayor is hilarious. But Morton the mouse is awesome as well. Ohmigosh I forgot about that vulture!!! Igor? Ivan? Somin' like that.
But is it art? Certainly went to prove that animated Dr. Seuss will always be better than live action *shudder*. Still has some really goofy moments that comes from having full-length movie based of a picture book.
Major Flaws: Nothing terribly major stands out as awful. I do think that the city council was a little unkind.
Is it loyal to the book? Don't think there is a book.
Best character: I can't remember character names (French) but the children are all charming.
But is it art? This gem is one of Disney's 'forgotten' films. I'd be willing to put down $.10 that you haven't seen it before.
Major Flaws: As my college roommate pointed out over and over again, why don't they call the police? But that would make the movie much shorter, so sei la vie. (I'm completely aware that that most certainly isn't how to spell it... but my French is a little limited.)
Best character: When I was little it was Sassy all the way. Now that I'm older I appreciate all three animals but really love the gentle wisdom from Shadow.
But is it art? Hmmm... the scenery is beautiful and the animals are superbly trained. Some people are annoyed by talking animal narration and they'd be wise to avoid this movie. I don't mind except when the dialogue tries too hard to be hip.
Is it loyal to the book? Remarkably so for a series of its size.
Best character: Hermione Granger is my spirit animal.
But is it art? YES! YES! YES! If you ever indulge in a Harry Potter Binge Fest... an event I like to refer to as the Magical Mega Movie Marathon, it is fun to create lists... some of which I need to start writing down because I find them greatly amusing at the time. Such as my list of The Most Awkward Moments for Everyone in the Audience.
Major Flaws: The freeze frame ending for HP&PA comes straight to mind. Really though this series nailed it right on the head pretty nicely.
Best character: I like pretty much all the regulars, but I especially love Oliver Wendell Douglas. His hilarious attempts at farming by the book and his wide-eyed optimism for his miserable property never stop amusing me.
But is it art? It certainly gave a unique perspective on the usual social comedy of the era. It isn't as corny as the surface would have you believe, there are great talking points about how rural and urban relations have and continue to be played out in our country.
Major Flaws: The aforementioned surface corn. More of a minor flaw really seeing as this is a comedy.
Is it loyal to the book? It is inspired by Romeo and Juliet... if you hadn't figured that out then you need a lesson in wordplay. Anyhow it somehow manages to not be entirely faithful. Weird.
Best character: Featherstone the lovesick flamingo. He is the funniest and the most sentimental character in the whole movie.
But is it art? This movie was a labor of love from Elton John and it shows. While not as technically polished as movies from the big name companies it has all the heart.
Major Flaws: That gnome in a g-string or whatever it is called will never cease to be painful.
Best character: The original characters make a strong showing in this final installment. The Globetrotters themselves are great fun. Everyone else is a little less thrilling.
But is it art? The idea sounds goofy. But the execution was strong enough to make me remember it, this is the first Gilligan's Island I ever saw, but I was enticed enough to come back for more.
Major Flaws: The replacement castaway Thurston Howell IV... you know when it was one of the dozen consistencies in the original series that there was no Howell heir.
Best character: Well, again I like them all (except fake Ginger, just can't get over that). It certainly ISN'T the bad guys, the Sovietest of all the villains to grace the show.
But is it art? Overall I would rate this one a little lower than the average episode because of the Soviets and the world's least convincing shark.
Best character: I like all the characters... some certainly have more good episodes than others though.
But is it art? This is a fine social commentary focusing on a microcosm society filled with archetypes. It also examines the endless struggle humans have against the environment, the battle for survival against the elements, and the malevolent forces of luck.
Major Flaws: Some episodes stray from silly to downright insane.
Is it loyal to the book? If by the book you mean the Biblical story of Gideon... then it is in the spirit of the story. However, there is no football in the Bible.
Best character: Larry the Cucumber as Gideon
But is it art? In the Veggie way.
Major Flaws: Not as memorable as the other VeggieTales films. So obviously it is missing a little something.
Is it loyal to the book? I find no evidence that there is a book.
Best character: It has been a long time since I saw this film but I was completely in love with Ira a kid.
But is it art? This movie has a great lesson about overcoming prejudice. I remember seeing this film over and over, it always seemed like a history lesson. When I grew up I realized that the movie could just as easily be set in the present.
Major Flaws: I can't think of anything, but again it has been a long time since I've watched it.
Is it loyal to the book? Another tricky one. The movie clearly draws a lot of information from the book but focuses on a much smaller group of students. The book contains anonymous entries from the students' diaries and it is hard to make a continuous narrative.
Best character: I love Erin Gruwell and her students. There is no doubt in my mind that this film impacted my desire to become a teacher.
But is it art? When I watched this movie with friends at the theatre and first saw the MTV logo flash across the screen I was certain that I had made a big error. But I remember being incredibly moved by this film. So much so that I went straight from the theatre to computer to reserve the book down at the library. So many people in high school read this book, including people that never read. At first my delicate ears burned viciously while watching, but as I watched the themes became clearer and found myself totally immersed in the story.
Major Flaws: Hmmm... parts of the film feel a little romanticised in a negative way (is that a thing?). However, I'm aware that there are places where this is still the norm.
Best character: Max, the wise-guy compu... spacesh... naviga... ali... I'm not sure it is ever really cleared up what he is. But as a little kid I found him ridiculously hilarious.
But is it art? Considering this is children's sci-fi from the 80s it has held up remarkably well. Sure, some of the alien puppets were lousy but again, 80s. Plus it still has the funniest E.T. reference of all time.
Major Flaws: Child actors are always somewhat of a mixed bag and here is no exception. The star of the film gives a nice performance but sometimes he struggles with the emotions he should be portraying.
Is it loyal to the book? This one is complicated. It is a movie based off of play - inspired by a book - inspired by a movie - based off of a book - based off of a play - inspired by real life. Did you catch all that? With all that inspiration going on I'm not even sure what we should be loyal to at this point. I do know that historical accuracy has been occasionally left behind in favor of whimsical though.
Best character: Hmmm... Honestly I do love J.M. Barrie. I don't know how accurate the portrayal of the historical person is, but the portrayal of a creative mind is perfect. I love Johnny Depp's performance here... and it is probably the least Depp-ish of all his roles.
But is it art? The beautiful portrayal of what goes into a creative work is wonderful. As a writer I can deeply sympathize with Barrie in this film.
Major Flaws: Occasionally the whimsy trails into smarmy territory. Especially where Peter is involved. Remember this kid?
For a while there you couldn't watch fantasy set outside of Hogwarts without seeing his face. He. Was. Everywhere. I guess he had a lot of whimsy? I don't know, he is an okay actor but I personally always felt something a little off-putting about him.
Now that he's all grown up everyone else can enjoy the vibes I've been getting off him for a decade.